Drogheda Joint Local Area Plan

Dúnta31 Ean, 2024, 09:00 - 27 Már, 2024, 16:30

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Public Consultation Now Closed

The Public Consultation for the Pre-Draft Issues Paper for Drogheda Joint Local Area Plan closed at 4.30pm on Wednesday 27th March, 2024.  
We would like to thank those who got involved in the process.

All submissions/observations made, to the planning authority, during the consultation period will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the report on submissions received.


Wednesday 13th March, 2024

We are pleased to advise that all technical issues experienced with the Drogheda.ie portal and the making of submissions have now been resolved.

Extension of Closing Date for Submissions

Taking account of the technical issues experienced the closing date for submissions has now been extended until 4.30pm on Wednesday 27th March, 2024.

 Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

 Any queries can be emailed to: jointdroghedalap@louthcoco.ie or jointdroghedalap@meathcoco.ie


Louth County Council and Meath County Council are commencing the preparation of a Joint Local Area Plan (LAP) for Drogheda.

This Plan will set out a land use strategy for the future growth and sustainable development of Drogheda, focusing on issues including population and economic growth, delivery of housing and community facilities, regeneration of vacant and under-utilised lands, the potential impacts of climate change, environmental protection, and investment in transportation and water services infrastructure.

To encourage participation and engagement in the process a Pre-Draft Issues Paper has been published. This Issues Paper gives a broad overview of the challenges and opportunities in Drogheda in the coming years.

This consultation provides the opportunity for you to submit comments and suggestions on the topics raised in this pre-draft issues paper and any other themes you consider relevant to the preparation of the Plan. Both Councils will, together, review and consider all pre-draft submissions received prior to the drafting of the Joint Local Area Plan.

Have Your Say on the Joint Local Area Plan!

Local community input is considered vital to the entire LAP process and the planning authorities value what you have to say.
It is intended that this Issues Paper will kick-start interest and debate which will provide helpful feedback, and result in a stronger and more informed Plan.

As a first step, Louth County Council and Meath County Council are now inviting interested parties or individuals, including but not restricted to, residents, business owners, retailers, community groups, children or groups representing children, and sports groups, to identify key issues that need to be addressed in the Joint LAP on how Drogheda should develop into the future. 

There are two key components to this pre-draft consultation process:

  • An invitation to individuals, stakeholders and interest groups to make submissions; and
  • Public ‘drop-in’ events to be held in Drogheda Library, Stockwell Lane, Moneymore, Drogheda, Co. Louth A92 PY20 as below:
Public 'drop-in' Events
Date(s) Time
Thursday 8th February, 2024 4:30pm - 7:45pm
Tuesday 13th February, 2024 4:30pm - 7:45pm

Making a Submission:

Please make your submission by one medium only, as follows:

Online here 


In writing marked "Pre-Draft Issues Paper Drogheda Joint Local Area Plan” to:

  • Planning Section, Louth County Council, Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth A91 W20C;


  • Senior Executive Officer, Planning Section, Meath County Council, Buvinda House, Dublin Road, Navan, Co. Meath C15 Y291

All submissions should include your name and a contact address (on a separate sheet), and, where relevant, details of any organisation, community group or company etc., which you represent.

Please note late or emailed submissions cannot be considered and will be returned. 

Please note that all submissions will be made available for public viewing on the Council’s consultation website. Louth and Meath County Council’s will treat all personal data you may give as confidential. We will retain your data for no longer than is necessary for the purpose of preparing the Joint Local Area Plan and in accordance with Louth County Council’s and Meath County Council’s Retention Policy and the relevant Data Protection legislation.

Note: There will be a further opportunity to make submissions on the Draft Joint Local Area Plan as the plan-making process progresses. Public notices will be published as these consultation stages arise.

The closing date for submissions extended to 4:30pm Wednesday 27th March (Originally Friday 15th March, 2024).

All submissions received will be reviewed jointly by both local authorities.


Any queries in relation to this Issues Paper can be emailed to:

Louthjointdroghedalap@louthcoco.ie            Meath: jointdroghedalap@meathcoco.ie 


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